Warning: This article was written in 2023, the content might be out of date.

The Infinite Game

Categories: books

I think in the past, we have the luxury to grow the company by its founder or owner timeline. In the current days, with the mindset of growth at all cost, a company has more pressure or incentive to make short term gains which leads to make short term decision.

I felt that after decades of companies making decision based on growth and getting pressure from their investors, startup started push back on this notion. Startup starts to allow themselves to bootstrap without outside investing. This allows them to build the company at their own pace and make decision based on the directions from its owner.

In the book, the case study of Apple and Microsoft are fair. As I agree Apple is built to run a long game and The current CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella has turned Microsoft around from being shortsighted to run a long term.

The company that I respect and love, Google, on the other hand has been disappointing in recent years. I hope it will turn around.

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